Skin Treatment in Hyderabad

Skin Pimples Treatment


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When hair follicles become unplugged with dead skin cells and oil, it causes a skin condition called acne that leads to pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads. Although acne can affect people of any age, it is commonly seen among teenagers.

Usually, pimples heal slowly, but by the time they heal, new pimples crop up. Effective acne treatments are available, but the problem can be persistent. Often severe pimples cause emotional distress and scars on the skin. Therefore, before the problem gets severe, it is important to take pimple treatment and get clear skin.

What are the symptoms of acne?

Depending upon the severity, acne could show the following signs and symptoms-

  • Blackheads- open plugged pores
  • Whiteheads- closed plugged pores
  • Papules- small tender red bumps on the skin
  • Pimples- papules having pus at the tips
  • Nodules- big, solid, and painful lumps under the skin
  • Cystic lesions- pus-filled, painful lumps under the skin

What causes acne?

The four major causal reasons for acne include the following-

  • Excess oil production
  • Hair follicles clogged by dead skin cells and oil
  • Bacteria
  • Inflammation

The face, forehead, chest, shoulders, and upper back are the common body parts where acne usually appears. These areas have the most sebaceous glands responsible for sebum or oil production.

Apart from these reasons, certain things that can trigger acne or make them worse are-

  • Hormonal changes- As a person hits puberty, the androgens hormone increases, causing sebaceous glands to produce more sebum.
  • Whiteheads- closed plugged pores
  • Certain medications- Drugs with corticosteroids, testosterone, or lithium increase the chances of acne.
  • Carbohydrate-rich diet- Bread, chips, and bagels are some foods that can increase acne and its symptoms.
  • Stress- Acne doesn’t happen due to stress, but if you already have them, stress may make it worse.

When to see a doctor?

Many self-care remedies can clear acne; however, seek medical attention if you do not see any improvement. The doctor will prescribe medications based on your acne type and skin condition.

If acne usually appears a few days before menstruation, they tend to clear up without treatment. The onset of acne signs and symptoms at later stages of life indicates some underlying medical issue; therefore, should be consulted with a doctor.

Contact SKINX to get the most effective treatment for acne and pimples, where a dedicated team of the best dermatologists will provide the consultation.

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