The hidden wish of every ones is to
look young and attractive as far as possible. Many researchers proved
that physical appearances is significant and can influence the self esteem and behavior of a
person. Like any physical problems the minor deformities created while
formation by Mother Nature or correctable by Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery. Beauty may be skin
deep, but it does have significant impacts over the self confidence.
With advances in surgical methods and increased safety in anesthesia, cosmetics surgery has
become a safe.
Cosmetic surgery is one of the rapidly advancing medicals specialties. Our aim is to provide a
over view of this fascinating branches of medicine, make you aware
of the various procedures. Honesty is more important than salesmanship in this field. It is but
natural to have high expectations especially, with the exploding
exploding informations available through various sources, but in reality all of them can not be
met with. We make you understand the reality and practicability of
the problems & the procedures.
You will appreciate our sincerity and frankness of our team in explaining you about various
aspects of cosmetics surgery that we perform. We try to reach perfections
in all but may not be able to reach in some cases.While we strive for perfection, it may be just
beyond our reach in some. An ideal candidates for cosmetic surgery
is the one who is looking for improvement, if not perfection in the way they look.
Safety and comforts along with cost effectiveness are our top priorities, which is why Dr.
Venkata Rao Yalamanchi, who is the chief operating plastic & cosmetic surgeons
of the Day-care centre, chooses to perform his cases either at his own Day-Care Centre or at a
corporate hospital, depending on the case. The nurses & staff have been
carefully selected people and trained. Your anesthetist will be a qualified Anesthesiologist. If
there are any unexpected medical complications you will be either shifted
to a major medical centres or have immediate access to a full spectrum of highly trained
specialists in a major hospital.