Face Lift Surgery in Hyderabad

Facelift Surgery in Hyderabad

What is a Facelift Surgery?

A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to address visible signs of aging in the face and neck. As we age, factors such as sun exposure, genetics, and lifestyle choices can lead to sagging skin, deep creases, and loss of facial volume. A facelift targets these concerns by lifting and tightening the underlying tissues, smoothing wrinkles, and restoring a more youthful contour to the face and neck.

Face Lift Surgery in Hyderabad, India


Facelift surgery is gradually becoming a widely acceptable procedure to enhance the facial look which constitutes an important part of our personality.

Facelift surgery is gradually becoming a widely acceptable procedure to enhance the facial look which constitutes an important part of our personality.

This grafting enables a surgeon to make the face regain its proper shape and youthfulness. The scars are treated with post operative procedures as well cosmetic applications and within a short time of few weeks, scars are reduced and then they gradually disappear.

The facelift surgery in Hyderabad is being done under the able guidance of experienced specialists constituting plastic surgeons, dermatologists, anaesthetists and aesthetic surgeons who pool their expertise to provide best possible treatment considering the peculiarities of individual patients.

Benefits of Facelift Surgery:

  • Youthful Appearance: By tightening loose skin and smoothing wrinkles, a facelift can take years off your appearance, restoring a more youthful and refreshed look.
  • Improved Confidence: Feeling good about your appearance can have a positive impact on your self-esteem and confidence, empowering you to face the world with renewed assurance.
  • Long-lasting Results: While no procedure can stop the aging process entirely, the results of a facelift can last for many years, providing enduring benefits and delaying the need for additional intervention.

Is Facelift Surgery Right for Me?

Ideal candidates for facelift surgery are generally in good health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure. You may be a suitable candidate for a facelift if you experience

  • Sagging skin in the midface or jawline
  • Deep creases or folds around the nose and mouth
  • Loss of facial volume or definition
  • Excess fat deposits or jowls in the lower face and neck

During your consultation at [Your Clinic/Hospital Name], our skilled surgeons will assess your concerns, discuss your aesthetic goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique anatomy and desired outcomes.

The Facelift Procedure:

Facelift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. The specific techniques employed will depend on your individual needs and goals, but commonly include

  • Incision: Incisions are strategically placed within the hairline and natural contours of the face to minimize visible scarring.
  • Tissue Repositioning: The underlying facial tissues are lifted and repositioned to restore a smoother, more youthful appearance.
  • Skin Tightening: Excess skin is carefully trimmed and tightened to eliminate wrinkles and sagging.
  • Closure: Once the desired improvements have been achieved, incisions are closed with sutures or skin adhesives.

Recovery and Results:

Following facelift surgery, you can expect some bruising, swelling, and discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications and proper post-operative care. While individual recovery experiences may vary, most patients can return to their normal activities within two to three weeks, with final results becoming increasingly apparent as swelling subsides.

Facelift Surgeons In Hyderabad

Dr. YV Rao clinics are one of the most known facelift clinics in Hyderabad and Vishakhapatnam. Undergoing a facelift surgery here assures you to be treated by a team of experienced and competent surgeons who will ensure most appropriate and cost effective treatment with a minimum recovery time. The surgery takes about 2 to 10 hours depending upon the extent of treatment required by the patient. The recovery may take between two to four weeks time after which you are ready to face the world with your rejuvenated personality.

Facelift Cost In Hyderabad

The facelift surgery may cost between Rs.65000 to Rs.1,25000 or more, depending upon the extent of treatment required by a patient. The exact cost can be determined during your consultation with the doctor and may include surgeon fee, hospital costs, anaesthesia fees, medication, tests and post surgical treatment and garments.

Facelift FAQ's

1.How to deal with post surgery scars after a facelift?

The scars are mostly unobtrusive as surgeons plan incisions at places which are not directly visible. It may be under the earlobe or behind the ear. Even if scars are visible they are hidden by appropriate make up applications which may disappear after a few weeks when no makeup will be required. The scars merge with the surrounding skin and disappear with time.

2.How should I prepare for the facelift surgery?

Some steps needs to be taken prior to the surgery to reduce complications to the minimum and to reduce the recovery time. Skin applications are recommended by surgeons few weeks prior to surgery. Some medications are to be avoided which may increase the risk of bleeding. High blood pressure is to be controlled and personal hygiene before surgery like washing hair and a bath a night before surgery is also advised. Smokers are advised to avoid smoking for some weeks prior to and after the surgery.

3.How much time is required to resume work after a surgery?

You can resume work without a delay. But you have to follow the surgeon’s advice to get dressing reduced or removed according to the healing status of the wounds. Commuting to office immediately after surgery is not recommended but you can work on a computer and reduce physical activity for some days.

4.Do I need a general anaesthesia?

General anaesthesia is not required for a facelift surgery. Local anaesthesia may suffice in most cases. Surgeons also use total intravenous anaesthesia (T.I.V.A) which is a perfectly safe procedure.

5.Is a facelift surgery long lasting?

Once you have undergone a facelift surgery you will get its benefit for years. Meticulously following doctor’s advice like keeping a healthy body weight, balanced diet and refraining from smoking and alcohol is the key to durability of a facelift procedure.

6.How long does it take to recover from the facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery is not a major surgery so recovery time may be as low as next day after the surgery but you have to avoid physical exertion.

7.What is the difference between a surgical and non-surgical facelift?

Non surgical facelift involve topical applications on face, laser treatment and skin tightening therapy but surgical procedure is a more permanent and effective in most cases.

8.What is risk associated with facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery is not a high risk procedure. Surgeons take sufficient precautions to reduce bleeding by avoiding the drugs like aspirin taken by patients. General anaesthesia is not given nor are incisions too invasive.

Your Review of Facelift Surgery


i was really had good experience with doctor and staff nurses.


was really had good experience with doctor and staff nurses

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aditya komsani

excellent treatment by highly qualified surgeons. i underwent a skin surgery,the result and recovery was fantastic.

ajaykumar yellanki

i was so happy and my problem solved with precision. thank you dr. yvrao sir for assisting and taking care of my problem.

kanchan choudhary

he is very good surgeon. he treated my son's scald burns,result were far better than we expected.


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