Skin Treatment in Hyderabad

Skin Pigmentation Treatment


3 Reviews


Skin pigmentation leads to changes in skin color. It usually occurs when the melanin content in the body alters, which is responsible for the skin's color.

In hyperpigmentation, the skin darkens, which may occur abruptly or in patches. It can happen due to some underlying medical condition or as a normal part of aging. The common type of hyperpigmentation is aging spots, also called liver spots.

Usually, hyperpigmentation is a harmless and non-contiguous skin disorder. For most people, it is more of a cosmetic issue. It can cover small patches or large areas of the body. Sometimes it may affect the entire body.

Types of hyperpigmentation

The most common types of hyperpigmentation include the following-

  • Melasma- It is also called chloasma or “the mask of pregnancy .”It usually occurs due to hormonal changes and develops during pregnancy. It may occur in any body part but commonly on the face, forehead, and stomach.
  • Sunspots- They are also called age spots or liver spots, caused due to excessive exposure to direct sun rays. Usually, they appear on areas exposed to the sun, like the face and hands. People with inflammation or an injury to the skin are prone to getting them.
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation- It happens as a result of inflammation or injury to the skin and can occur anywhere on the body.

What causes skin pigmentation?

One of the most common causes of skin pigmentation is sun exposure, which affects the body parts most frequently exposed to it. The greater is exposure to the sun, the greater the risk of increased skin pigmentation. Apart from sun exposure, other causes include-

  • Pregnancy hormones
  • Insulin resistance
  • Certain medications like chemotherapy drugs
  • Endocrine diseases like Addison’s disease
  • Skin irritation or trauma

What are the symptoms of skin pigmentation?

  • Darkened areas on the skin.
  • Patches in varying sizes.

When to see a doctor?

Generally, hyperpigmentation can be prevented in the following ways-

  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of more than 30.
  • Wear clothes, scarves, and hats to prevent direct sun exposure.
  • Avoid the sun when it is at its peak, usually from 10 AM to 4 PM.
  • Avoid certain medications that are causing them.

Mostly, the dark areas fade over time with good sun protection. However, aggressive treatment is needed if they are not fading and have become persistent. If you don’t like the pigmented areas and patches on the skin, seek medical attention.

Contact SKINX to get the most effective treatment for skin pigmentation from the best dermatologists in Hyderabad.

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