Radial Club Hand

Radial Club Hand, also known as radial deficiency or radial dysplasia, is a congenital condition characterized by underdevelopment or absence of the radius bone in the forearm. This condition can affect hand and wrist function and may vary in severity. At Dr. YV Rao Clinics, we specialize in the evaluation and treatment of radial deficiency, offering personalized care to improve function and enhance quality of life.


Radial deficiency occurs during fetal development when the radius bone fails to form properly. While the exact cause is not always known, genetic factors and environmental influences may play a role in the development of this condition.


Symptoms of radial deficiency may include

  • Shortening or absence of the radius bone in the forearm
  • Abnormal positioning of the hand and wrist
  • Limited range of motion in the affected limb
  • Abnormalities in the structure of the hand, such as missing or fused fingers

Treatment Options

Treatment for radial deficiency depends on the severity of the condition and its impact on hand and wrist function. Our team offers various treatment options, including

Splinting and Bracing: Customized splints or braces may be prescribed to support the hand and wrist, improve alignment, and enhance function.

Physical Therapy: Occupational therapy techniques and exercises to improve hand and wrist strength, range of motion, and coordination.

Surgical Intervention: Surgical procedures may be recommended to correct skeletal abnormalities, improve hand and wrist function, and enhance appearance.

Surgical options may include

  • Radialization: Repositioning of the remaining bones in the forearm to stabilize the wrist and improve function.
  • Bone Lengthening: Surgical techniques to lengthen the shortened radius bone using bone grafts or distraction osteogenesis.
  • Pollicization: Surgical creation of a thumb-like structure from existing fingers to improve hand function and aesthetics.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

Following surgery, patients will undergo a period of recovery and rehabilitation. Our team provides comprehensive post-operative care, including wound management, pain management, and physical therapy. Rehabilitation aims to optimize function, promote healing, and maximize independence.

Follow-Up Care

Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor healing, assess progress, and address any concerns or complications. Our team remains accessible to patients and their families, providing ongoing support and guidance throughout the treatment journey.

Recovery and Rehabilitation

Specialized Expertise: Our team consists of skilled surgeons and therapists with expertise in treating congenital limb anomalies, including radial deficiency.

Patient-Centered Care: We prioritize individualized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs and goals.

Comprehensive Support: We offer compassionate care, education, and resources to empower patients and their families throughout the treatment process.

If you or your child is affected by radial deficiency, don't hesitate to reach out to Dr. YV Rao Clinics for expert evaluation and personalized care. We're here to help improve hand and wrist function and enhance quality of life.

Can radial longitudinal deficiency be prevented?

Since the exact cause of RLD is not always known, prevention strategies are limited. However, avoiding known risk factors for congenital anomalies during pregnancy, such as certain medications or exposures to toxins, may reduce the risk.

How is radial longitudinal deficiency diagnosed?

RLD is often diagnosed shortly after birth based on physical examination and imaging studies such as X-rays. Sometimes, it may be detected prenatally through ultrasound.

Is radial longitudinal deficiency associated with other health problems?

In some cases, RLD may occur as part of a syndrome involving other abnormalities. It is important for individuals with RLD to undergo a thorough medical evaluation to detect any associated health issues.

How common is radial longitudinal deficiency?

RLD is a relatively rare condition, occurring in about 1 in 30,000 live births. It affects males slightly more often than females.

What challenges do individuals with radial longitudinal deficiency face?

Depending on the severity of the condition, individuals with RLD may face challenges with hand function, fine motor skills, and activities of daily living. They may also experience psychological and social challenges related to self-image and acceptance.