Skin Treatment in Hyderabad

Photofacial Treatment in Hyderabad

The sun is a great source of energy and light but it also emits UV radiation that affects human skin. Over the years UV exposed skin results in wrinkles, lines, blotchiness and pigmentation. These conditions of the skin tend to make the skin look old. The ill effects of constant UV exposure can be addressed through a treatment known as photofacial. Photofacial is a rejuvenation method employing a device that sends Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to the skin. The intense light energy gets absorbed by the affected areas of the skin destroying the dead skin in those areas. The human body's defence mechanism kicks in to repair the tissues destroyed by photofacial procedure. Photofacial treatment not only helps reversing the aging process but also leaves the skin looking smooth.

Who doesn't want flawless skin? It feels so amazing when people compliment us for our unblemished skin but our lifestyle is such that sun-damaged, blotchy, wrinkled and discolored skin is likely to appear. The effect of wind, changes in temperature, exposure to sun and pressing due to spectacles often ruptures the capillaries. The collagen production is slowed down due to aging. These together damage the skin. However, it's no longer a concern as Dr. Y.V Rao's Photofacial is the best skin treatment to revitalize your skin.

Photofacial refers to a kind of skin treatment that utilizes light-based technology to treat broken capillaries, brown spots, acne scars, redness of the skin, rosacea and augments the growth of collagen. The treatment is less-time consuming and the patients can resume their work from the very next day of the treatment. The treatment is done in two ways- IPL Photo Facial and Revlite Photofacial.

IPL Photofacial is used for treating light acne scars, rosacea, sun damage, broken capillaries, and hyperpigmentation. It is a procedure whereby intense pulses of light are penetrated deep into the skin to treat the issue at the source. The skin shows visible improvements within few weeks. Revlite Photofacial is amazing to yield smoother, even complexion and it also boosts the growth of collagen. The lasers penetrate deep into the skin and lead to improvement in texture and appearance of the skin.

Benefits of Photofacial

  • The treatment improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin
  • It yields a smoother texture of skin with smaller pore size
  • The treatment removes the dark hair that appears around the sides of face and above the lips
  • It yields healthier-looking skin devoid of dark spots and acne scars
  • It leads to even skin tone, removal of blotches, and sun/age spots

Your Review of Photofacial

sakshi dhoni

i am very happy with the results. my surgeon dryvrao did a really good job. i will definitely recommend him.

madhu shalini

the sun is a great source of energy and light but it also emits uv radiation that affects human skin. over the years uv exposed skin results in wrinkles, lines, blotchiness and pigmentation. these conditions of the skin tend to make the skin look old. the ill effects of constant uv exposure can be addressed through a treatment known as photofacvial dr yv rao really done good job with their experience.