Ear Surgery

Ear surgery, commonly known as otoplasty, is a procedure designed to alter the size, shape, or position of the ears. It's typically pursued by individuals who are uncomfortable with the appearance of their ears, especially if they protrude significantly from the head, are overly large, or misshapen due to a birth defect or injury. This surgery is suitable for both children and adults, with the recommendation that the ears should have reached their full size before undergoing the procedure, usually after the age of 5.

The procedure itself involves surgical changes to the ear's structure. It can include ear pinning (bringing the ears closer to the head), ear reduction (for oversized ears), or ear augmentation (for small or underdeveloped ears). Otoplasty is generally an outpatient procedure, with anesthesia options ranging from local (with sedation) to general (completely asleep). The surgery involves incisions either on the backs of the ears or within the inner creases, followed by reshaping or removal of cartilage and skin, and is completed in one to three hours.

Before undergoing otoplasty, a consultation with a plastic surgeon is essential. The surgeon will review your medical history, examine your ears, and discuss your expectations and the risks involved. Risks include scarring, asymmetry, changes in skin sensation, allergic reactions, problems with stitches, and overcorrection. Preparation for the surgery often includes avoiding certain medications and smoking, to reduce the risk of complications.

Post-surgery, the ears are bandaged, and some discomfort, itching, swelling, and redness are common. Recovery time varies but is generally between six to eight weeks, with noticeable improvements often seen within two to three weeks. It's important to follow post-operative care instructions, like avoiding pressure on the ears and wearing specific types of clothing to facilitate healing.

Dr. Y V Rao Clinics, located in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, offers a wide range of cosmetic surgeries, including Otoplasty, which is a type of ear correction surgery. This procedure is designed to address issues such as projecting or large-sized ears, aiming to improve the overall appearance and structure of the ears. It's performed for both aesthetic reasons and to correct deformities or disfigurements that may have occurred due to accidents or birth defects.

The clinic's approach to treatment involves a thorough diagnosis and the use of advanced technologies and methods to achieve the desired results. Patients seeking cosmetic improvements or corrections can expect to receive tailored solutions and high-quality care at Dr. Y V Rao Clinics.

For more detailed information about the services, treatment procedures, and to book an appointment, you can visit the clinic's official website or contact them directly.

  • Dr. Y V Rao Clinics Official Website: Dr Y V Rao Clinics
  • Contact Information: +91-99480-55055

Please note that the specific details of the Otoplasty procedure, including the technique used, recovery time, and costs, would be best discussed directly with the clinic.

What is otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a surgical procedure used to reshape the ear cartilage and bring the ears closer to the head, reducing their prominence

Can prominent ears be corrected?

Yes, prominent ears can be corrected through a surgical procedure known as otoplasty or ear surgery.

How long does the results of otoplasty last?

The results of otoplasty are usually permanent, although the ears may change slightly with age.

Is otoplasty safe?

Otoplasty is considered to be a safe procedure when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon like Dr. YV Rao

How can I schedule a consultation for otoplasty at Dr. YV Rao Clinics?

To schedule a consultation for otoplasty at Dr. YV Rao Clinics, you can contact us through our website or call our clinic directly.