Skin Treatment in Hyderabad

Lighten MediFacial Treatment in Hyderabad

Brighten and Lighten MediFacial is a treatment that is recommended once a month to keep the facial skin glowing. The process combines the two processes of passing galvanic (low electric) current through the skin and using peeling agents that are mild. Passing low electric current on facial skin enhances the functioning of the cellular membrane besides helping to remove fat and fluid from the face. Mild peel complements the actions of galvanic current to improve skin texture. This treatment is recommended for sallow and tanned skin, superficial pigment spots, dark circles and pigmentation from acne.

Brighten and lighten Medifacial is the process used for making the skin look bright by lightening the complexion. Galvanic current used for the process possesses properties that are ionic in nature. Mild enzymes are deployed during the process to peel off the dark spots on the skin caused due to pigmentation. Many a time, dark patches on the skin makes it dull looking. The skin undergoes a tanning effect due to various environmental reasons. Severe medication may sometime make the skin lose its radiance and health. All these take a toll on the skin stealing off the shine and glow from its surface. Brighten and lighten Medi facial helps overcome such problems by using a special lightening mask for the purpose. This lightens the pigmentation on the surface of the skin, relieving the same from all Dermatological issues.

Benefits of Brighten and Lighten MediFacial

  • Brighten and lighten Medi facial offers many benefits list of which is given below.
  • It removes pigmentation spots that are superficial in nature.
  • It makes sallowing skin look tight.
  • It clears the dark circles and patches on the surface of the skin.
  • It helps skin retain its original texture which changed due pregnancy and other medical conditions.

Dr. Y V Rao is considered as the best medical professional when it comes to Dermatology. Get in touch with Dr. Rao to know more about his expertise in detail.

Your Review of Brighten and Lighten MediFacial


i was looking for skin clinic, came across to dr yv rao 8 yrs back.had a dark patch on ma right cheek after coming to dr yv rao undergoing treatment i am able to see 70percent of improvement, very happy about the services, givegiven lot of confidence .highly recommended .

divya vani

i had skin infection on my hands which was continuing for not less than 1+ year(s). it was very much irritating because it itches very fine day i thought since my friend suggested, i went to hyderabad and consulted with dr yv rao i showed the infectious hands and the moment she saw it, she said some kind of infection. then she prescribed 2 ointments and an anti-allergy tablet. she suggested that i use the medicines for 2 weeks.

sitara puja

loved the treatment by dr yv rao he hospital is a bit expensive one when compared to the other cosmetic and skin clinics .