Breast Reconstruction Surgery in Hyderabad

Breast Reconstruction Surgery in Hyderabad

Breast Reconstruction Surgery in Hyderabad, India

Breast reconstruction surgery overview

Breast reconstruction surgery is the best option available to women who have lost one or both breasts due to mastectomy or lumpectomy surgeries or due to accident. In a mastectomy procedure a surgeon removes the entire breast to prevent breast cancer from spreading. Lumpectomy is removal of a breast portion that has a cancerous tumour.

The breast reconstruction surgery option is a tough personal decision. Living without one or both breasts can be psychologically difficult. Getting back breasts by implants or by own tissue of a patient can change a patient’s appearance and can be physically and mentally satisfying. Due to this breast reconstruction surgery is gaining wider acceptance among women.

Breast reconstruction surgery options and procedures

A client’s initial consultation with the surgeon will help to decide the type and extent of surgery best suited to her. Breast implants involves initially stretching the skin with a tissue expander and then inserting a silicone gel or implant. A tissue flap procedure is to take woman’s own tissue from a body part like thighs or abdomen and transferring it to reconstruct breasts. Nipple and areola reconstruction is done as an outpatient procedure after breast reconstruction is complete.

Breast reconstruction surgeons in Hyderabad

Dr. Y.V Rao’s clinic in Hyderabad has state-of-the-art facilities for breast reconstruction surgery. Dr. Rao along with his team of experienced surgeons use latest technology and expertise to give the client a satisfied post surgery position when she regains her important body part. She also gets back her self-esteem and womanhood.

Breast reconstruction surgery cost in Hyderabad

Breast reconstruction surgery cost in Hyderabad may range from Rs.100000 to Rs.300000 depending upon the extent of surgery, type and whether for single or both breasts. Initial client-surgeon discussion will not only touch upon type and extent of surgery but also on cost involved to help a client arrive at an informed decision.


Am I fit for a breast reconstruction surgery?

Yes, if you are in a good health you are fit for the surgery. Surgeons will discuss with you, your specifics to decide which type of treatment is suitable for you-implants or tissue flap procedure. Best option will be decided with your consent.

What are the precautions to be taken before surgery?

Doctors will examine your general health condition. Any health issues faced by you have to be taken care of. Abstention from alcohol and smoking is advised.

What precautions are to be taken after the surgery?

Active physical activity like vigorous exercise or swimming is not recommended during recovery period. Light exercises like walking can be done. Showering is better option than a regular bath.

Can I attend office after the surgery?

A complete rest for at least a month after the surgery is recommended before you can start with the active office routine including commuting.

Your Review of Breast Reconstruction


when i came to dr.yv rao i had one breast that was much smaller and very odd shaped. i had previously had multiple surgeries on my breast due to a reoccurring abcess. i was not very optimistic about it being able to be fixed. at my first appointment dr.yv rao made me feel so much better about my situation. now, 2 months after surgery i am very happy with my results.


i had had previous breast reconstruction but it was not satisfactory. dr yv rao performed a revision to fix the surgery and i am very pleased with the outcome. the end result of my surgery is great!!


after surgery i no longer had pain or discomfort. my new breasts look natural with old mastectomy scars nearly invisible and new scar placement less obvious. i felt confident that dr. holland would give me the best possible outcome. pain and discomfort free, able to move and exercise without problems.


i love the staff they are amazing! i felt very safe. the work was amazing.