Skin Treatment in Hyderabad

Skin Eczema Treatment


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Eczema is a skin condition in which the skin becomes red, dry, itchy, and irritated. This condition is also called atopic dermatitis.

Although Eczema can occur at any age, typically, it starts in early childhood or during infancy and persists through adulthood. It is a noncontagious chronic skin condition generally accompanied by asthma and hay fever.

Symptoms of Eczema

  • Dry skin
  • Severe itching
  • Red to brownish patches on different parts of the body
  • Thick, cracked, and scaly skin
  • Small bumps with fluid that oozes with scratching
  • Sensitive skin from scratching

These eczema symptoms vary from person to person, flare periodically, and clear up for some time. Usually, it affects the cheeks and scalp (infants), arms, inner elbows, and back of knees (children and adults).

What causes Eczema?

The actual cause of Eczema is not completely understood. It is believed that an overactive immune system triggers Eczema.

When the skin is exposed to external irritants, the immune system overreacts, leading to flare-ups. Additionally, Eczema is related to a gene variation that affects the ability of the skin to make filaggrin, a kind of protein that helps keep the skin moisturized and healthy.

Complications or Risk Factors

  • Asthma and hay fever- It is one of the most common complications associated with Eczema, especially among children.
  • Severely itchy and scaly skin- It starts with a patch of skin that, on being scratched, makes the area even itchier. The skin gets thick, layered, and discolored due to intense scratching.
  • Skin infections- Repeated scratching leads to open pores and cracks, making the area susceptible to bacterial and viral infections.
  • Sleep problems- Itch-scratch cycle disturbs the normal sleeping cycle.

When to see a doctor?

While mild Eczema can be managed at home by keeping the skin moisturized and avoiding the triggers, severe cases need immediate consultation from a dermatologist. It is best to seek medical attention if the symptoms are getting severe and hard to manage in the following conditions-

  • Symptoms are not getting better with over-the-counter treatments
  • You are staying awake at night due to itching and irritation
  • It is becoming hard to complete daily tasks
  • Skin is peeling and has blisters with pus and yellow scabs
  • Skin is getting scaly, leathery, and thick.

Additionally, if the skin looks infected and the child develops a fever, consult the doctor immediately.

How to prevent Eczema?

You can minimize symptoms in the following ways-

  • Keep the skin moisturized by applying dermatologist-recommended lotions, creams, and ointments.
  • Identify triggers and try to avoid exposure to them as much as possible. Some possible triggers include certain foods, sweat, soaps, detergents, dust, pollen, etc.
  • Limit the shower time and use warm water.
  • Use dermatologist-recommended soaps that are gentle to the skin.

At SKINX, we have the best team of dermatologists that provide the most effective treatment for Eczema based on the skin condition.

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